Wage Day Loans are simple and straightforward loans that are offered for a short period of time, which is normally repaid at the time of receiving the next salary. They are normally taken to deal with cash flow problems at a short term level and not for long term debt issues. We offer Wage Day Advance which is our short term loan that are limited to a certain amount. All the loans approved by us are subject to our own evaluation of your credit record.
✔Best Option for Urgent Cash Requirement
Our Wage day loan are useful for people who are in urgent need of cash and who are confident of paying off the loan on their next payday. The important feature of our loans is its simplicity, easy to arrange and much more affordable than other forms of loan. Though it is also more expensive as compared to other forms of loans and hence should be used only as a last option for fulfilling short term financial requirements.
✔Extend Your Payback Time Easily
Applicants who fail to make timely payments, can extend their repay time period with some additional interest rate. Further default will bring our CCJ's into the picture, who will deal with your case independently. Our representatives will slog day in and out with you towards non-repayment. It is highly recommended that you repay your loan on a timely basis as it enhances your credit rating and credit worthiness, which improves your chances of getting a loan next time.
✔Get Cash Direct Form Lenders With no Extra Fee
We at Wage Day Advance have top lenders in our city who give out loans at inexpensive rates. Once an applicant submits his application, it is viewed by our Wage Day Lenders. They assess the credit worthiness of the loans to decide if you can afford to repay the loan. The wage day lenders use both external and internal reference agencies to analyse your credit score. This credit rating becomes one of the deciding factor towards the approval of your loan. We have a unique system of loan approval, which differs from other loan direct lenders as we make the lending decision based on the individual rather than just the credit rating. This implies that we might offer you a loan when other agencies cannot do so. Please note that in order to be a successful applicant, all the customers need to have a valid bank account, must be in an employment and should be more than 18 years old.